14 May 2008

Cooking with Carol: The New Cooking Show!

So one of the worst things about cooking here is Carol's interventions. This is why I make it a point not to cook when she is in the kitchen. This is also why I only cook things that will take a long time when she is not in the house, should she happen to enter the kitchen.

The story is Janardan's lunch. He is making macaroni, and she asks him if he wants something with it - like peas or corn. He says, "How about a salad," and she says, "A salad isn't nutritional." Hence the poll. Like...this is something that mystifies me. A salad is like the basic understood healthy food. It seems like whenever people are trying to be healthy, they think they should eat more salads. And on top of this, her suggestion is peas or corn. Now peas are pretty good for you, and corn is too, but it is a starch vegetable, and most people get enough starchy veggies, and not enough -- bing bing bing - green veggies, especially leafy. Anyway, so this is her view of the world...salads are not nutritional. I will never understand how that woman thinks, or the lack thereof.

After this report from Janardan, I receive the next. She is starting to interfere with his macaroni making -- she thinks the water is boiling too much, so she starts to turn it down (much to Janardan's chagrin at her intervention), and then it stops boiling. Her response: "It's going from one extreme to the other."

Today I am glad that I can be reminded of my wisdom of not cooking with her around. Like I can take some interfering in other areas, but if someone messes with me in the kitchen, especially when they have no idea how to make good food...that is something I cannot stand.

So I can laugh and smile about it, because it is not happening to me. Also, I remembered last night when some of the best times that I have with Carol come. And it is when it is late, and I will just start making snarky comments, and she thinks they are hilarious. I will kind of open up, and she is kind of punchy already, so it is a good combination. I had like a lot of fun last night. So that was good.

1 comment:

Emily W said...

Yeah for snarky comments, that is definitely the real jennie