21 July 2008

Things are really looking up

I think I have found my opportunity that I have been waiting for. That opportunity showing itself last night. Carol requested that Chandra and I make meals this week while Art is gone. We both said that would be fine. So I am going to make two meals, and Chandra will make two meals. After which, she said that the bathroom needed to be cleaned, and suggested that we take a rotation for it. Chandra cleaned the bathroom last week and then she offered to clean it again today. I said that I would be fine cleaning anything, but I would need to know from them what they wanted to be done, because I know they are more particular than me. To which Carol responded, "Things are so bad here - anything is better than nothing."

And bing, that is a kind of attitude I can work with. So today, I not only cooked dinner, I unloaded the dishwasher and reloaded it, did all the dishes from cooking dinner, set the table, and cleaned up after dinner. And Carol enjoyed my dinner and thanked me for making it. So today, things are good. And I talked to Chandra for a while while I was cooking dinner.

All in all, a good day. I love cooking.

1 comment:

Emily W said...

Yay for victories!