05 October 2008

Conflict Makes Me Feel Lonely

I don't feel like detailing the drama, but I am tired. I have spent the past week in another world, throwing myself into online games, and into Janardan's community, and it has been such a happy place. But today I was snatched back to reality, that I do actually live here, in Texas, and not out in the ether. 

I am tired. 30 more days. We set Janardan's final appointment. Though the problems with his family still need to be resolved, and I hope they will be over time (they mostly revolve around Carol's personal problems with herself), I am so happy that we can have a strong marriage, and that we are both learning to take care of ourselves, so that we will not perpetuate similar problems onto our children, though of course we will have our own set of problems. 

I am tired. I know that's how I started the last paragraph, but I am. One more month. That is what I tell myself, and I can give into my urge, and run away from all of these problems. Run back to the ones I know, and that can be worked on. 

My name is Jennie and I am a carnivore. 

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