07 September 2008

Difference of Interpretation

So today Carol said that they were going to make new side dishes for dinner. (There has been rumblings of such ever since we got here, so I was surprised that she actually seemed to be making motions toward an actual result). The side dishes being Indian food. 

So when I sat down at the dinner table, I was somewhat shocked to look around the table and it look pretty much exactly the same as it has many other times when they have cooked Indian, with a small cereal-bowl filled with a new side dish. I had envisioned that there would be at least two (because of the use of the plural) and I envisioned there would be more than one scoop for each person at the table. 

I talked to Janardan after dinner, and he said that he had envisioned much the same thing I had. And it was interesting to realize how much trying new things is a part of who we are as a couple, and how much it isn't for his parents. Like they have eaten the same Indian meal for the past however many years, so instituting one small bowl of something else constitutes a significant change to them, whereas a change like that for me would be little worth noting, unless it was exceptionally yummy or gross. 

And so tonight I write to express a difference, without placing a value on the difference, which the lack of emotion is something I am rather happy about. I guess today hearing Janardan's exacatly same reaction to that side dish made me realize that there are things that don't work for Janardan in this family, and they certainly don't work for me, but they may work for Art and Carol's marriage. Janardan after a life of bland food and little variety, is happy to be married to me with my adventurous cooking, and enjoyment of providing variety. And I am happy that he has digestizymes so he can enjoy eating, and we can share that. 


Emily W said...

yay for digestizmes, now you just need to find a really nice two bedroom apartment in provo with a really nice location

Jennie said...

too bad there just aren't any