06 July 2008

This Song Has No Title, Just Words and Tune

Yeah...couldn't think of a good title, and then that popped into my head, so there ya go.

There's been plenty of drama to talk about, but I don't feel like talking about it, because I am in a rare good mood. Tomorrow night you will more likely be able to find more interesting things, if we actually have internet. Right now I am in a comfy bed, in a room alone with Janardan, and things are good - I am having time to myself, so I'd rather not dwell on the other stuff.

It's been a really hard trip. Stressful. Drama-filled. Like...I was thinking today and like the incidents of drama that occur practically daily while here on vacation - I can think of like...one instance in my life of viewing such drama before with my sister and dad. Like in my family we just are not big on the drama.

Also North Dakota is beautiful. Just so you know. So...updates on drama as warranted. Just so you know, you've been missing out on hearing about it because we haven't had internet, but I'm not going to detail it now. Maybe highlights later. And by highlights I mean lowlights. Of course.

Let's just say, it will have to be a long time before I forget how awful this vacation (being with his family, not the things done) has been, and would actually consider vacationing with them again. I guess life is a series of learned lessons.

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